About Me
It has been a privilege to be the SNP MP for Glenrothes & Central Fife, and to serve for nine years in the UK Parliament on behalf of the area which has now been my home for over 40 years.
I was brought up in Coatbridge and studied at Glasgow University where I met Fiona, a medical student from Glenrothes. After we got engaged I moved to Glenrothes in 1983 and the following year we got married. Fiona is now happily retired after 37 years as an NHS Doctor and 30 years as a Fife Councillor.
I joined the SNP in 1987 because I believed, as I still do, that Scotland will be a better place for all of us when decisions about Scotland are taken by the people who live here. For 23 years I represented parts of Glenrothes, and later also the village of Kinglassie as a Councillor. I had the privilege to serve as the council’s SNP Group Leader from 2007 until 2015, including five years as Leader of the Council.
Although I have retired as an elected representative I remain as committed as ever to helping Scotland achieve its rightful place in the family of independent European nations. I'll also be finding time to catch up on my other interests including music, walking and bowls - which may start to appear on these pages.